Knowledge about Palmistry for Women

Palm reading, also known as palmistry or palmistry, is practiced worldwide. ... The goal of palmistry is to judge someone's personality or future by learning the contours of their palm.

See basic palm readings –learn palmistry

Since ancient times, the secret of palmistry, palmistry is still used to interpret destiny, fame, love, and human life. After many years of accumulation and experience, now the art of palmistry is still being continuously researched and developed. To answer the question of whether palmistry is correct, please refer to the information in the post below.

When humans were born, there were lines on the palm of the hand. Each person will have ridges, palm lines with different shapes, opacity, and clarity. If the school's generals point to the palm of their hand, they consider them to be the mysteries of human life's destiny that need to be clarified.

According to palmistry, when looking at palmistry, there will be different ways of viewing such as viewing 4 palm lines, seeing 3 palm lines, or viewing 2 palm lines… Besides, on any hand there are The 3 most basic, loud and clear lines include:

The Lifeline (reflect the lifespan, health, family…) The headline (also known as the line of reason, the line of intellect, the way of learning, the line of wisdom. The Heartline (the love line, relation). is the line of love

In addition to the three basic palm lines as above, there are other hand lines that not everyone has such as:

The Science of palmistry was born to speculate on a person's fortune, health, psychology, personality and life. In addition, palmistry is also a sign of life recognition in each stage. Seeing palmistry is the key to unlocking extremely useful information, helping people understand their own abilities, advantages as well as shortcomings so that they can know how to develop leverage strengths, limit weaknesses, gradually rise to take control of one's own destiny.

See palmistry for women to predict fate and love

According to anthropologists, when looking at female palmistry, people will follow the rule of "male left, right female", that is, looking at the male palmistry is looking at the left hand, while looking at the female palmistry, fortune telling. For women, see the right hand. Normally, on each person's hand, there are basic lines such as: Heart line, Head line, Fate line, marriage line ...

When looking at girls and women, if all these lines are straight, wide and clear, it is a sign of a confident, happy, career and rich person. Looking at women's palmistry with a deep spiritual line, it is clear that they are very passionate about their work, they are also women who are very sensitive to the times, grasp business trends, so it is easy to succeed in life. Here is the most basic women's palm divination section, please refer to it.

See the female palm of Lifeline

In female palmistry, the Lifeline is one of the most important lines on a woman's hand. The Lifeline begins between the thumb and index finger and runs towards the wrist, this line clearly shows the level of vitality, energy as well as physical strength and endurance of a woman.

- Seeing the palm of a rich woman is a person whose life line comes from the mind line and grows long and clear, the woman who owns this lucky palmistry will have a solid career, a rich life.

– A clear line of life implies a person with a growing sex. On the contrary, if the curve is weak, it is a person with a lack of energy and weak sensuality.

- Female palm fortune telling has a small life line and is clearly a person with good vitality and good will.

Looking at the palm of a woman with a wide life line is a person with physical strength but a very weak nervous system.

See the palm of a woman on Heartline

The Heartline is a palm line that tells about the emotional aspects, the manifestation of the potential for love as well as the relationship with the lover and the people around.

- Seeing the palm of the hand for women on Heartline also expresses a woman's thoughts and feelings, if this line is straight, she can control her emotions in all circumstances.

- See the woman's hand indicates that if the Heartline comes from the index finger, this woman often encounters market, jealousy in love. On the contrary, if the Heartline comes from under the middle finger, it is a person with sensuality, favoring pleasure, family life is always happy, happy and fulfilling.

If there is a heart line that appears below the ring finger but is a bit short, then it is a person with little emotion and no emotion.

See a woman's palm reading the marriage line

The marriage line is the line under the little finger on a woman's hand, because there are many lines here, people are usually only interested in the line with the deepest lines. This is considered the marital (gender) line of women.

– If the palm line is straight and clear, that person has a happy married life.

- Seeing the female palm of the marriage line if the line is dry, it shows that the person has a lot of life together and is not married

– Consider a woman's palm with a downward marriage line as a person with a separation number.

- Women's palm readings have a marriage palm line forked at the end, indicating a broken married life.

- Women who do not have a marriage path are those who are not interested in love, family, if married, they do not come from love. But a person's palm line can change after 6 months, so the marriage line can appear later.

- See palmistry for women, there is only one marriage line on the hand, who will love and marry and live faithfully with her husband for the rest of her life. Signifies the longest and best marriage.

- Seeing a woman's palmistry with many marriage lines on her hand is the one who will face many difficulties in marriage or she is a lover of love.

- The palm reading for female marriage line is broken, showing that the person will have many problems in love, broken or unsuccessful marriage, may have to marry many husbands.

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